- Yoga Teacher
Daniel Aaron is an inspirational author, speaker, yogi, father, coach and CEO of The Art of Vibrant Living, an international entertainment, education and empowerment company. He helps Spiritual People raise their vibration and empowered actions—in the realms of mindset, business, finances, health, emotions and practices—so they can finally get their physical, earthly lives to match up to their values, vision and potential.
Daniel’s been recognized as a leading expert on Spiritual Leadership, Business and Human Potential, having now supported the life transformation and improvement of tens of thousands of students and clients. He founded and created the internationally acclaimed Radiantly Alive Center in Bali, the Six Figure Spiritual Entrepreneur Program™ and Living the Vibration of Vibrancy™, a seven-week transformational program.
Daniel’s best-selling book, The Art of Spiritual Leadership: 40 Laws to Transform Your Life (and the World) highlights his experience combining cutting edge personal and spiritual development with ultra-practical life and business strategies.
Always entertaining, Daniel uplifts and entrances audiences and students through stories, strategies and secrets that inspire, educate and empower. He’s coached executives, Hollywood actors, entrepreneurs, therapists, artists and everyday people. In addition to his group programs and private coaching, Daniel also teaches at the world-renowned Omega and Esalen Institutes.
Known as a teacher’s teacher, his world renowned yoga teacher trainings, yoga classes, retreats and breathwork processes deliver depth, humor and spiritual wisdom. He creates environments where we all shine, encouraging participants to grow in capacity, character and self-acceptance.
Ruthlessly dedicated to personal and spiritual development himself, Daniel relishes in his sacred duty as parent of his ambitious and powerful teenage daughter and Kiki the wonder-poodle. A consummate learner, writer and yogi, Daniel delights in continually reading and practicing in the realms of human potential, consciousness, biohacking, psychology and transformation.