Studio Guidelines
Pre-Register for Classes
We HIGHLY recommend you pre-register for classes by clicking our class schedule links or using the Mindbody Fitness app on your phone. Pre-registration is open 30 days from today’s date.
Last minute decision? No problem, our online booking ends 30 minutes prior to class start time, simply show-up and see if there is a spot.
Covid-19 Precaution
Make sure you’re healthy.
Do a self-check by taking your temperature if you have any symptoms at least 2 hours prior to class start time so you have time to cancel without incurring a $15 late cancel fee.
Clean up after yourself–your mat, your sweat, your stuff.
There will be extra care between classes to disinfect floors, bathrooms and high touch areas with CDC approved cleaning agents.
When pre-registering for classes, sometimes they are full and you are placed on our waitlist. Be sure to have your notifications ON (text or email) in your Mindbody Online profile.
When you are added to a class you’ll receive a notification via email or text. You are also welcome to come to the studio and see if a spot is available due to Late Cancels or No shows.
Plan on arriving 15 minutes early to find parking, sign-in, go to the bathroom and get your spot.
Arriving late not only throws you off, but everyone else as well. Also, the door may be locked and you may not be able to get in and marked as a “no show”.
If you are running late, please wait until after the chanting to enter into the studio. (No entrance 5 minutes after class starts).
Cancellations / No Show
If you pre-register for class and cannot make it, please make sure to ‘early cancel ‘ as soon as you can. If you cancel within 2 hours of class start time, you will incur a $15 “late cancel fee”.
Leaving Early
If you need to leave before class is over, please do so after a short Savasana for 2-3 minutes. This is an important part of the practice. Also, remember to leave quietly so that you do not disturb other students.
Pregnant or injured?
No problem! Let the instructor know prior to class so they can help you modify certain postures.
No Scents
Please do not wear any perfume or cologne—we will be breathing deeply and many people are sensitive to scents.
Cell Phones Off
Please remember to turn off your cell phone or any type of smart watch prior to class.